The International Master in Soils and Global Change is an Erasmus Mundus Master which benefits from the financial support of the European Union. This Master's programme is carried out in partnership with the University of Ghent (Belgium) and BOKU Vienna (Austria) as members of the ELLS network.

The International Master educates this next generation of soil scientists that have the knowledge and skills to characterize soils, understand soil evolution in an ecosystem context under global change based on a deep insight in the underlying processes and interactions, and develop strategies to implement climate-smart soil management policies.

Graduates of IMSOGLO are able to contribute to multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary work in different ecosystems. This allows them to navigate the often competing interests of land users, managers, and other stakeholders, and to understand and appreciate the various viewpoints at play. Additionally, students have a deep understanding of high-order targets such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other international and European ambitions, such as the EU’s Green Deal. They are able to make conscious contributions to policy-relevant research, crucial for sustainable soil use and conserving soil health in the face of climate change.

Find the official website here.