Pathogens, Parasites and their Hosts: Ecology, Molecular Interactions and Evolution

1 - 18 July 2024
University of Hohenheim, Germany



Pathogen-host interactions are a major focus in the work of several institutes at the University of Hohenheim. In a joint initiative of the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Sciences, host-pathogen interactions will be the subject of a 3 weeks summer school in July 2024.

The summer school will introduce into the ecology, molecular interactions and evolution of pathogen-host relationships with respect to animals, plants and microorganisms. These topics will be addressed in a series of lectures and laboratory experiments. Following an integrative approach, the aim of the summer school will be a comparison of different biological systems, showing both striking similarities and surprising peculiarities.

Maximum number of participants



The course is aimed at students of biology and agricultural sciences or related subjects who have already passed university elementary courses of at least 2 years.


Deadline is expired.

Application Deadline

2 April 2024

Course contents

How pathogens meet their hosts:
  • Behavioural mechanisms
  • Chemical and physical recognition
  • Life cycles and zoonoses
  • Mechanisms of invasion

Host resistance:

  • Host resistance in plants and animals
  • Secondary plant compounds
  • Innate immunity
  • Immunology of inflammation

How to overcome host defence:

  • Immune suppression
  • Antigenic variation
  • Molecular mimikry
  • Toxins


  • Adaptation between host and pathogen
  • Breeding of resistant plants and animals
  • Resistance genes in plants and animals
  • Multitrophic level interactions

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After completing the course, the participants should be able to …

  • discover the most important host-pathogen systems with plants, animals and microorganisms
  • compare how different pathogens find their hosts
  • compare the most important strategies of defense from hosts
  • compare how different pathogens are able to circumvent these strategies of defense
  • explain the concept of coevolution of hosts and pathogens and exemplify the consequences for the relationship between both
  • discuss course content in international groups of students

Course Schedule

Asynchronous e-learning phase from June 10 to June 28 for self-preparation with specialised literature.
On site course at the University of Hohenheim: 1 July - 18 July 2024
For further details please see the course programme (coming soon).

Course Language


Course Format

Mix of lectures, laboratory experiments and excursions

During the online phase at home (starts at 10 June 2024) participants will have access to recommended literature for course preparation

ECTS Credits and Workload overview
Number of Credits [ECTS] 7,5
Total workload [hours] 225
    Student's own work [hours]     139
    Contact classes [hours] and excursions       84
    Exam         2

Type of Assessment

Group presentations and written exam at the end of the Summer School

Social Program

Welcome and farewell barbecue
Visit of the "Wilhelma" (Stuttgart's famous zoo)


  • 500 EURO for housing and a security deposit of 50 EURO (not for students of the University of Hohenheim)
  • We recommend the participants from abroad to buy a "Deutschland-Ticket" for public transport during the course
  • Travel expenses and food are not included
  • After payment of fees registration is binding

Pre-booked furnished flats with twin or triple rooms

Health Insurance

Participants are responsible for an adequate health insurance during their participation in the programme


If support letters are needed, contact the administrative contact person below

Contact person for administrative questions

Dr. Gabriele Klumpp
Coordination Euroleague for Life Sciences (904)
Fruwirthstr. 12, Verfügungsgebäude, Room 235
D-70593 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 45924012
Fax: +49 711 459 23668

Contact persons for scientific questions

Anja Betz

Carina Schneider

or your local representative of the Subject Area Insect Ecology

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